Monday, April 13, 2009

End of the road

After talking things over with the owner of Pinstripes Plus, we've decided to bring this blog's content as well as future postings over to the Pinstripes Plus subscriber's forum. So, you will see the in-game updates in their Game Threads section, as well as the game recaps and prospect profiles in their Yankees Prospects section.

I received a lot of wonderful support, from my friends and family for starting up this blog.. From Mike Ashmore, the owner of Thunders Thoughts. From Jessie Holder, my girlfriend, for sending all of the Facebook messages. From my parents who were the first to sign on! And from Pinstripes Plus, for making this possible to begin with.

I will miss writing for this blog, as it was only in it's infancy. I will likely start up another blog sometime down the road. But for now, I am retiring this one. Thanks everyone.

Elliot Davis


  1. Thanks for keeping up with the blog and for the game updates. Im not a fan of Pinstripes Plus, but I guess I can start using it if this is getting shut down.


  2. Hey, I appreciate the words! I am sorry we can't keep this blog going for you guys.

  3. That stinks. Now I have to pay for your content.

  4. Its over to Pinstripes Plus for us...don't want to miss out on your insights and perspective.

  5. I forgot to mention that I won't pay for any content.
